High-Speed Logging (HSL) Configuration
High-Speed Logging (HSL) is used to efficiently distribute and manage logs, ensuring quick and reliable log delivery without overloading the system. Here’s how you can configure HSL:
Configure a Log Collector Server-Pool:
Create a pool of servers that will handle the logging requests. These servers will receive logs from the system.
Configure a Remote High-Speed Logging Destination:
You need to define a remote destination for log distribution and load balancing.
For the Distribution field, you can select from three choices:
Adaptive: Logs are sent to the first available pool member. If performance degrades or the member is unavailable, the system will switch to the next available member.
Balanced: The logs are distributed using the Load Balancing Method defined for the pool.
Replicated: Logs are sent to all available pool members to ensure redundancy.
Configure a Formatted Logging Destination to Point to “Syslog”:
Define a destination where logs are stored, such as a Syslog server, for centralized log management.
Configure a Log Publisher to Determine the Source Log Initiator:
The log publisher specifies which source or system initiates the log generation, such as a security event or transaction.
Configure a Log Filter to Tune the Log Publisher:
A log filter can be applied to refine what gets logged. This helps avoid excess logging and focus on critical security events.
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